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Kring van Draaiorgelvrienden
Contact: J. van Oost

The KDV is a Dutch society for the preservation of fair organs, street-organs, dance hall organs, orchestrions and other automatic musical instruments; their history and development, and their present situation.

Draaiorgels are mechanical musical instruments. There is no player behind the keyboard, but the instruments are played by a moving music pattern. This can exist of a turning pinned barrel or disc, or a cardboard or paper strip with holes in it. In all cases the music has to be converted by an arranger into a musical pattern. Mechanical musical instruments are therefore played by the man behind the drawing-board!

The flourishing period of mechanical musical instruments is between about 1850 and 1920. After the rise of gramophone and radio they were gradually crowded out. Still many enthusiasts are left, who are interested in the extraordinary interesting technical, musical and historical aspects of mechanical music.

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