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Ferguson Enthusiasts of North America
Contact: John Iwen
1811 Parkway Drive
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Fax: 563.441.0204

FENA was started in 2001 when a group of Ferguson Enthusiasts got together in Waverly Nebraska. Gene Kruse and John Wolff of Lincoln, Nebraska organized this first Expo. On display by owners from 10 states were 30 Ferguson tractors and 38 implements.

An informal group of Ferguson Enthusiasts was formed at this meeting. The original steering committee for this new group was: Clarence Carhill of Mena, Arkansas, David Lory of Plattsville, Wisconsin, Jim Storment of Mt. Vernon, Illinois and Gene Kruse of Lincoln, Nebraska. Paul Nelson of Chino Valley, Arizona volunteered to publish the newsletter for this as yet unnamed group.

The name of Ferguson Enthusiasts of North America – FENA was soon adopted. From 59 charter members in 2001, FENA has grown to nearly 600 members!!

FENA is focused on Ferguson Tractors as embodied in the Ferguson-Brown, the Ford-Ferguson, the TE/TEA-20 series, the TO-20/30, the TO/FE/MF-35 and the F-40 tractors; and implements bearing the Ferguson name.

The club is growing and thriving through the fellowship of its members. The club holds annual get togethers at well-known Tractor shows. FENA publishes a newsletter: “Ferguson Furrows” five times per year.

We welcome you to join our group of Ferguson Antique Tractor enthusiasts.

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