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German Corkscrew Collectors Club: Verein Korkenzieherfreunde
Contact: Clemens Hettenkofer

The club was founded on October 12, 1996 in Steinbach-Hallenberg. This town represents the centre of Thuringian small iron industry and with that also the German corkscrew producing industry from the 18-th Century to this day. After the founding of the Corkscrew Club, members visited many regional museums and partly working workshops.

There were 19 founding members of the Club, 14 from Germany itself, 1 from Denmark, 1 from the Netherlands, 1 from Austria and 2 from Switzerland. Corkscrew in German is Korkenzieher and the language lends itself to a play on the word Zieher which means "Puller" or "Drawer" and the members are called Ziehers. The members of the newly formed Club then elected the first slate of officers as: Wolfgang Händel, President (Oberzieher which, using the play on words translate to the "First-Puller"), Klaus Pumpenmeier, Secretary (Schriftzieher means "Words-Puller"), Peter Skopp, Treasurer (Geldzieher means "Cash-Puller"). The Club's purpose is information exchange on corkscrews, fellowship and camaraderie plus having fun with corkscrew friends and collectors. Wilhelm Usbeck, owner of the best known German corkscrew manufacturing company, MONOPOL (Usbeck & Sons in Marburg), was elected as honorary "Puller" member.

The membership was limited to 30 and this number was reached in 1998. Because of the increasing interest from many other corkscrew people, the membership limit was increased to 40 and then in November 2005 finally to 50.

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