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D.L.T.C. - Dog Licenses Tokens, & Collars
This site was created for the dog license collector and to stimulate interest in dog and cat (tax)...  more
Daguerreian Society, The
An organization dedicated to the history, art and science of the world's first form of...  more
Dagwood - Blondie Fan Club
Dallas Arms Collectors Association, Inc.
Dedicated to the encouragement, education and protection of the collecting of arms of all types;...  more
Dallas Bead Society
The objectives of this society shall be to share our enjoyment, knowledge, and appreciation of...  more
Dallas-Metroplex Post Card Club
Date Nail Collectors Assoc of Texas
Despite its name, the TDNCA is a North American organization which has served date nail collectors...  more
Datsun Roadster Association
David Winter Cottages Collectors Club
Founded Summer 1996. Meetings: Usually every three months.    £30. 00. subscription fee....  more
Dayton Area Heisey Collectors Club
Meets 3rd Tues. of the month Sept. to May, 6:30 pm Huber Heights Library...  more
Dean Martin Fan Center
Official organization; magazine published quarterly: articles, news, question and answer, auction...  more
Decoy & Wildfowl Carvers Association
Area of Focus: Decoys
Created to promote and encourage bird carving in Southern California; new members always welcome;...  more
Dedham Pottery Collectors Society
As curator for the Dedham Pottery collection at the Dedham Historical Society, I have been visiting...  more
Del-Val Miniature Bottle Club
Members show and exchange information on miniature liquor bottles; club meets every other month;...  more
Delahaye Club
Owning a DELAHAYE vehicle is not necessary to be a member of the Club  The subscription for...  more
Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club
* All members receive a monthly subscription to, OSCILLATOR , DVHRC newsletter   *...  more
Delaware Valley Ladies & Gentlemen Society
The Delaware Valley Ladies & Gentlemen Society DVLGS welcomes those with a Love of all things...  more
Delmarva Antique Bottle Club
The club was founded in 1992 by Ferdinand (Ferd) Meyer, a member of the Baltimore Antique Bottle...  more
DeLorean Owners Association
Founded in 1983, the DeLorean Owners Association is the oldest and largest international...  more
Denton Button Club
Contact us!...  more
Derby Porcelain International Society
For those interested in Derby porcelain and Derbyshire ceramics....  more
DeSoto Club of America
Detroit Area Art Deco Society
The Detroit Area Art Deco Society, a private not-for-profit corporation was founded in 1986 by a...  more
Devil's Rope Museum
Largest antique barbed wire and fencing tool museum in the world. Old Texas Route 66 Museum also....  more
Dick Tracy Fan Club
Quarterly publication...  more

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