Hard to find Flow Blue Pitcher (13½ inches in height, 7½ inches diameter) and Bowl(16¼ inches diameter) set. Royal Doulton, England, circa 1902. This set has a beautiful art nouveau-style design and is in excellent condition with only minor gilt wear on the handle.
"Iga province: Ueno" from the series "Rokujuyoshu meisho zue" (Famous places of the sixty-odd provinces), oban tata-e (13½" x 9"). Signed "Hiroshige hitsu", dated "Ushi 7" (1853), and published by Koshimuraya Heisuke. Condition: good; all but top margin trimmed to ca. ¼" of image; slight toning throughout; small tape residue in upper corners verso; no wrinkles, tears or folds; pronounced bleedthrough verso. Guaranteed original strike.
Meal scene from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), Chapter 36 Kashiwagi); oban tate-e (14½" x 10"). Signed "Kunisada ga" with aratame (approved) seal, date seal (mi 10 [10/1857]), and publisher's seal (Tsuta-ya Kichizo). Condition: good to very good; somewhat faded color; small piece missing from upper right corner - not into print. Note the Genji-mon (Genji crest) for the 36th chapter (Kashiwagi) of the Tale of Genji in upper left red clam shell cartouche as well as domestic items including hibachi, candle lamps, bonsai tree, etc. Kunisada II was a pupil of Kunisada. At first he signed his prints Baido Kunimasa III or Kunimasa; in 1846 he married his master's daughter, taking the names Kunisada II, Kochoro, and Ichijusai; from about 1870, after Kunisada's death, he used the name Toyokuni III (actually, IV).
Actor print. Framed and matted; oban tate-e (14" x 9¾"). Signed "Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga" with "kiri" seal. Double censor period (1847-1852). Condition: good to very good; somewhat faded color; not examined out of frame.
Mother and child; oban tata-e (14" x 9¾"). Signed "Yoshikazu"; published ca. 1850s by Kagaya Kichibei (Kichiemon). Condition: fair; toned throughout; several small holes across top and large hole near signature (shown); left & right borders trimmed; slight wrinkling thoughout.
Plate #28 from "Hisago-gundan Gojuyo-jo" (Fifty-four battle scenes shortly before Edo era); oban tata-e (14" x 9 5/8". Signed "Yoshitsuya"; published ca. 1864. Condition: very good to excellent: minimal margins (as printed); colors are still very fresh and bright; no holes, tears, or foxing.
Small circular (2½" diameter) jasperware plaque of FDR, made by Wedgwood in a Limited Edition of 1000. The cameo of FDR is very well done and the mold for this cameo was the same one used for sulphide paperweights of FDR made by Cristal d'Albret in France. This mold no longer exists! The plaque comes in its original Wedgwood box. Several available.
Octagonal dragon lustre bowl, designed by Daisy Makeig-Jones, circa 1915. On the exterior of this fine bone china octagonal bowl are gold outlined dragons on a deep blue lustre ground. The inside has vividly colored birds (also outlined in gold) on an aqua lustre ground. This is offset by a deeply colored and gilded central panel with a floral design. Marked "Wedgwood". ~4½"(Diameter); ~2½"(Height). A wonderful example of Wedgwood lustreware in excellent condition!!
Beautiful hand-painted 7"(H) biscuit jar with gold stylized enamel flowers, accented with turquoise and blue, on a white background. Lid has a gilded flower knob and the piece is well marked on its base (see photos). An extremely attractive piece of old Limoges in excellent condition!
Fantastic old (19th c) Meissen reticulated deep plate or bowl (may be a fruit plate). This piece is 8 inches in diameter and 1¼ inches deep, is decorated with hand-painted flowers and the reticulated rim is gilded (with all of the gold in excellent condition). Between the reticulated portions of the rim are 3 quatrafoils that are both gilded on their borders and raised along their edges relative to their centers, where there are delicate sprays of flowers. What is not terribly apparent in the pictures is that the gold trimmed lattice work between the center well of the plate and its rim, is also raised a bit. This has the blue underglazed German Meissen crossed swords mark, and is impressed with the numbers 14 and 156. The detail is wonderful on this fine porcelain plate and it is in excellent condition. I have several of these plates for sale and each one is the same size, shape, etc., but has slightly different combinations of flowers and slight variations on the impressed numbers; the one for sale here is the first one pictured. The close-up (third picture) is to show you details of this fine porcelain and may not be of this specific plate.
Hand-painted deep plate or bowl with a thin gilt edge. Three quatrafoils that are both gilded on their borders and raised along their edges lie between the reticulated portions of the rim. The plate has a blue underglazed German Dresden mark, which is sometimes referred to as a Meissen mark. This mark is now more correctly attributed to Helena Wolfsohn, a Dresden artist in the late 1880s! A lovely plate in excellent condition!
Small 3-footed bowl with a pair of musicians, showing good detail on the musicians. Rim of bowl and legs have a thin gilt trim. Royal Bayreuth, Bavaria, blue mark. 5 inches(D); 2 inches(H).
A mid-century moderne design in shades of blue, brown and white decorates this Danish faience (fajence) tray from the 1950s or early 1960s. Royal Copenhagen mark. 10 inches(L); 6½ inches(W); 1¼ inches(H).
Floral art nouveau design oval tray in shades of green with pink and white delicate flowers. Has a typical MZ Austria mark and also is marked (in red) "Habsburg China". 12¾ inches(L); 8¾ inches(W). Condition is excellent.
Hand-painted early 20th century ramekin and underplate set marked "MZ Austria" (Moritz Zdekauer). Ramekin is 3½ inches (Diam) x 1¼ inches (H) and the plate is 5 inches (Diam). I have three of these sets for sale and the listed price is for each set.
"Lapwings (Tageri) and lilies" from "Bairei Hyakucho Gafu" (Bairei's Album of 100 Birds); oban tata-e (13½" x 8¾"). "Bairei" seal UL; published by Okura Magohei in 1891. Condition: very good; very slight toning throughout; full borders with binding holes in left margin. Bairei was a pupil in Kyoto of the Maruyama-Shijo painter Raisho; then, at 27, of the Shijo-school artist Bunin. The Shijo school, also called Maruyama school, was a Japanese school of naturalistic painting that was founded in the late 18th century by Maruyama Masataka and was revived for woodblock prints during the Meiji by Bairei. Barei's "Album of 100 Birds" was published by Okura Magohei in three volumes in 1891, 1892, and 1896, respectively.
"Keio no koro" (The Keio Period) from the series "Jidai kagami" (Mirror of the Ages); oban tata-e (13¾" x 9¼"). Signed "Chikanobu" with seal reading "Yoshu"; published by Matsuki Heikichi in 1897; in folio. Condition: very good; very slight toning throughout.
"Onoe Kikugoro"; oban tata-e (14" x 9¼"). Signed "Ichikawa Chikashige hitsu" with Toshidama seal; published by Fukuda Kamajiro, ca. 1870s/early 1880s. Condition: very good; very slight toning throughout; full borders. Chikashige was a pupil of Toyohara Kunichika whose dramatic style he emulated. This print, depicting the actor Onoe Kikugoro, is a good example of the last phase of the Ukiyoe school, noteworthy in the highly stylized treatment of the subject.
Our Price: $ 275.00
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