Hope's Time & Again

Manufacturer: Derby
Derby Wishbone Handle cup & saucer. Porcelain. England. c. 1800 - 1825. This wonderful cup & saucer from the famed Derby factory features a wishbone handle and is beautifully hand painted with stylized feathery leaves in blue, violet & purple (not pinks, as it looks in the pictures - couldn’t quite capture the colors). These colors are painted on top of gilt leaves. Gilt border, double ring around saucer well, ring at cup foot and hand painted gold decoration on the white handle. All on a white ground. The saucer is quite deep as was typical at the time. CONDITION: Excellent (gilt wear). Pings. A very lovely example.

Derby Wishbone Handle Cup & Saucer

  • Your price: $250.00
  • Item Number: ENG065
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