Years ago when we first started attending the larger Civil War shows in the South, enthusiastic diggerswould bring wooden boxes filled with excavated treasures for sale or trade to fellow enthusiasts. I found most of these folks had a depth of knowledge and commitment to history that brought the content of their relic filled boxes to a special level. Now and again I would pick out a treasure that was of particular interest to me, usually something with a tag on it or a group of things of known origin, and bring my find back to Maine where it would ultimately get set aside in storage with our accumulation of stuff. In that accumulation we have a small number of artillery bolt fragments collected just prior to the July 1938 Gettysburg Reunion and are offering each individually priced for the collector who would like an authentic Gettysburg relic without spending a ton of money. The relics came to us in a small wooden box that had been in the Mountfort G. A. R. Post in Brunswick, Maine; the home Post of Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain. On the lid of the box was the period identification as Confederate relics gathered during preparation for the July 1913 Gettysburg Great Reunion. Though the old wire hinged pine box with a piece or two of its' content has long since passed, we did have the foresight to save an image of the pine box and its' paper label to go with the relics we kept for ourselves. Our note with a photo of the old relic box, its' label and origin from the Mountfort G. A. R. Post will come your the shell fragment to preserve its' history. A neat original Battle of Gettysburg relic and remembrance of what was to be the last joint reunion of Union and Confederate veterans.