Randall Antiques & Fine Art

Meal scene from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), Chapter 36 Kashiwagi); oban tate-e (14½" x 10"). Signed "Kunisada ga" with aratame (approved) seal, date seal (mi 10 [10/1857]), and publisher's seal (Tsuta-ya Kichizo). Condition: good to very good; somewhat faded color; small piece missing from upper right corner - not into print. Note the Genji-mon (Genji crest) for the 36th chapter (Kashiwagi) of the Tale of Genji in upper left red clam shell cartouche as well as domestic items including hibachi, candle lamps, bonsai tree, etc. Kunisada II was a pupil of Kunisada. At first he signed his prints Baido Kunimasa III or Kunimasa; in 1846 he married his master's daughter, taking the names Kunisada II, Kochoro, and Ichijusai; from about 1870, after Kunisada's death, he used the name Toyokuni III (actually, IV).

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