3. You must provide a minimum of a 7-day return
policy on all items sold from your store.
4. You must list an address on your site. If you
do not have a physical shop and do not want to list your home address, you
will need to rent a P.O. Box from your local post office. You must also
supply a phone number that will be printed in your invoices (phone numbers
are not accessible to customers until they have bought something from
5. If you do not already have a merchant account
to accept credit cards and you need one, click here. If
you already have a merchant account, you can accept credit cards using our
secure server. There is a one time set-up fee of $100, which will be
automatically billed after the initial trial period. If you are doing
business from a country other than the U.S., you need to be able to accept
U.S. credit cards. YOu can do so through your own merchant bank or through
a third-party service such as PayPal.
6. If you
are establishing a fixed-price store, you must list a minimum of 25
different items with photographs. The total retail value of these items
must be at least $1,200. There is no maximum amount of merchandise you can
list. We want you to list as much of your merchandise as possible.
7. Your Web browser needs to be either Netscape
6.2 or higher, Firefox 0.9 or higher, Opera 6.0 or higher, AOL version 5.X
or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.X or higher. If you are
not sure, click on the HELP button at the top of your browser, then choose
the ABOUT button, or contact the Customer Service Dept. of your Internet
Service Provider (ISP). WebTV users please note: Although you can use
WebTV to add inventory, you will need access to a PC to upload pictures.
8. You will need some way of taking digital
images in JPEG format of your merchandise. You are required to provide at
least one picture of each item. You can use a digital camera, a video
frame grabber, a scanner or a third party that will digitize your
photographs for you. Digital cameras make this easy.
9. Although you are free to host as many domains here as you
wish, your MakeAShop site must not reference sites that are not
hosted by tias.com except through your link exchange page.
10. We do have other options available in
addition to our MakeAShop system. Click here
to review our other options.
11. We offer full user support by email but
phone support is not available for MakeAShop sites. If you have any
questions during the setup of your site, please use our comment form
12. Finally, you must review and approve
our service