A Date In Time

This Life Magazine has the following articles: Red Army Birthday Celebrated with Six Foot Cake; Roosevelt Sees Arab Leaders in Middle East; Iwo Jima - The First 3 Days; Marlene Dietrich Entertains The U.S. Army. This Life Magazine has the following advertisements: Nash Motors; General Motors; Westinghouse; Borden's Green Giant; Paul Jones; Packard; Firestone; Snider's Catsup; Pepto-Bismol; Carnation Milk; Windex; Chevrolet; Texaco; A&P Coffee; JELL-O; Nabisco Shredded Wheat; Pennsylvania Rail Road; Pillsbury Pancake Flour. The Special Featured ads in this Life Magazine are: Phil Baker and Chesterfield Cigarettes. This Life Magazine is in very good condition (but the center page is loose) and measures 10 1/2" by 14".
(Item #1930-00772)

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