A Date In Time

This August 18, 1956 Saturday Evening Post Magazine cover done by Constantine Alajalov shows a picture of men cleaning up after a political rally & one of the guys is acting like he is making a speech. This Post Magazine contains the following articles: He's Never Out Of Trouble By Al Stump, It's Tough To Follow Churchill, Why Mac Isn't Dead & King Of The Car Thieves (Second of Two Articles). The Color Advertisements include: Shell, Colgate, Borden's, Salem, Campbell's, AC Spark Plugs, Chef Boy Ar Dee, Hertz Rent A Car, Delco, CIT Plan, Del Monte, Nescafe, Scripto, Western Electric & Kroehler. The Black & White Advertisements include: Westclox, Jockey, Polident, Postum, Marlboro & Champion. This Post Magazine is in good condition and does have a mailing label. This magazine measures approx. 10 1/2" x 13 1/2".
(Item #1930-001792)

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