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Toscany Empoli Tree Bark vase standing 7 inches tall x 4 inches across the top.  The vase is signed with a black stamped Made in Italy mark only.  The interior of the vase is glazed in a matte brown glaze. The exterior of the vase uses the sgraffito technique to incise knots into the pattern.  There are three colored vertical panels repeated three times on the piece. A raised button has been decorated in gold. Black lines have also been added to give it a more naturalistic look.  It is in very good vintage condition.

The silver paper label is in the shape of an artist's palette. On it are the words TOSCANY under which the words HAND MADE, HAND DECORATED, and MADE IN ITALY are found.  I do not know which company made the vase or if TOSCANY was the importer.  This is a striking Bitossi Italy Rosenthal-Netter large planter designed by Aldo Londi in 1974. The planter stands 6 inches tall x 7 inches wide at its widest point. This vase is part of the Rosenthal-Netter line of imported Italian pottery and ceramics.

The pattern on this Aldo Londi creation is called Moderna Marocco which is the Italian word for Modern Morrocan. According to Mark Hall in his recent book on Italian Mid-century pottery, this line was inspired by the blossoming studio pottery movement of the 1970s. As Hill states, high quality designs such as this took longer to apply and were more expensive, making them rare today. Unusually, this design does not include sgraffito or impressed elements.

Excellent condition. When tapped, it rings solidly.  Original Rosenthal-Netter paper label. A second label with the words Made in Italy stamped on one side in red and the numbers 266/15.  I have two other pieces from this line with labels. All have the line number of 266/. I have to conclude that the 15 is the shape number and the 266 is the number for Moderna Marocco.

In the Mark Hill book, the 10 inch version of this rare vase on page 72 is valued at 300-500 pounds. My price for the planter in this rare pattern is a bit more reasonable.

Add it to your Italian Midcentury pottery collection today.  This is a striking Bitossi Italy Rosenthal-Netter vase designed by Aldo Londi in 1974. The vase stands 6 1/4 inches tall x 5 1/2 inches wide at its widest point midway up the vase. This vase is part of the Rosenthal-Netter line of imported Italian pottery and ceramics.

The pattern on this Aldo Londi creation is called Moderna Marocco which is the Italian word for Modern Morrocan. According to Mark Hall in his recent book on Italian Mid-century pottery, this line was inspired by the blossoming studio pottery movement of the 1970s. As Hill states, high quality designs such as this took longer to apply and were more expensive, making them rare today. Unusually, this design does not include sgraffito or impressed elements.

Excellent condition. Original Rosenthal-Netter paper label but the numbers are gone.  I have two other pieces from this line with labels. All have the line number of 266/. 

In the Mark Hill book, the 10 inch version of this vase on page 72 is valued at 300-500 pounds. This is the smaller vase in the same line, thus my lower price for it.

Add it to your Italian Midcentury pottery collection today.  This is a striking Bitossi Italy candleholder using the very popular yellow, brown, and chartreuse colors from Bitossi. The candleholder stands 6 1/2 inches tall x 5 1/2 inches wide at the base. This candleholder is part of the Rosenthal-Netter line of imported Italian pottery and ceramics.

The pattern on this Aldo Londi creation is called Spagnolo which is the Italian word for Spanish. According to Mark Hall in his recent book on Italian Mid-century pottery, this line was inspired by Moorish tiles.  The form is a traditional Italian form but the decoration is pure Mid-century.

Excellent condition.  The bottom carries a standard Bitossi mark. The shape number 27064 and the word Italy are painted in black. The original owner added seven small felt pads to protect the surface upon which this candleholder sat. Add it to your Italian Midcentury pottery collection today.

Toscany Empoli Tree Bark vase $25.00


Bitossi Moderna Marocco Aldo Londi plant


Bitossi Moderna Marocco Aldo Londi vase $95.00


Bitossi yellow Spagnolo Londi candlehold $45.00

Alvino Bagni (1919-2000) founded Bagni Ceramiche in Lastra a Signa in August 1946. During the 1950s and 1960s he worked closely with Irving Richards of Raymor, the American distributor, as well as with their competitor, Rosenthal-Netter. The United States became Bagni’s largest market with over 80 percent of the company’s production going there. Thousands of modern designs were produced over four decades. Though it is not possible to categorize Bagni’s work easily, the wax-resist technique, impressed geometric shapes, mottled brown or green glazes and high-relief geometric forms applied to the surface are hallmarks of his work. Many designs were also glossily glazed in bright colors in simple stylized patterns such as banding or swirling lines. (Mark Hill, Alla Moda). 

Red clay was used from the late 1940s-1950s, before a finer white clay was used. Bagni considered his "Sea Garden" design to be his version of Londi’s Rimini Blu design. The factory closed in 1992.

As far as signatures, production destined for Raymor or Rosenthal-Netter was often marked in different ways. The first and most common Bagni for Raymor mark is a painted mark comprised of an ‘R’ for Raymor, followed by a three or four digit number. This number is probably Raymor’s internal stock number. The second way is a Raymor paper label printed with ‘BAG’ and a similar number. Some Bagni pieces for Rosethal-Netter were marked with two digits, followed by a slash, followed by two digits. This was often accompanied by a paper label (Mark Hill, Alla Moda, page 216)

This Bagni vase is signed 30/3 Italy. The underglaze is done is a crackled glaze, an imitation of a famous Chinese glaze, and the predominant color of the glaze is a white with a spiral pattern of green, turquoise and cobalt blue rectangles. The inside is the same green used on the outside.. It is in excellent vintage shape with the exception of two pinpoint flakes to the glaze on the top rim. There is no damage to the body under the missing part of the glaze. All in all, it is in very good vintage shape for its 40 years.

The vase stands 8  inches tall x 5 inches at its widest point. Add it to your collecton of Midcentury Italian pottery, Raymor or Bagni today.  This pinched Italian mid-century bowl is signed 81/SA Italy MNco.  Made probably for the line titled Mr. Norman, this was imported from Italy and retailed in the United States.  It has much in common with pieces from the Gambone firm.

The body of the piece is a white clay, covered with a speckled brown on white base glaze.  Over that has been poured a drip deep green volcanic glaze which runs down the exterior sides of the bowl.  The inside is pure glossy white.

It measures 8 inches long x 3 1/2 inches wide at its widest point and stands 4 inches tall.  I can see it on a nice McCobb credenza or on a great Midcentury coffee table.  Fill it with flowers or candy.  It is a practical and great piece of Italian midcentury pottery.

Go green! Save resources and purchase a piece of the past. It is ready for your home today.  This is a striking Bitossi Italy vase using the very popular orange, yellow and chartreuse colors in the 1950s-1960s from Bitossi. The vase stands 5 3/4 inches tall. This vase is part of the Rosenthal-Netter line of imported Italian pottery and ceramics as it is carries an original paper label.

The body of the vase is done in a vibrant chartruse glaze onto which two highly stylized blossoms have been painted, one orange, one white.  It seems that the Rosenthal-Netter line was a brighter toned line than the Raymor Line.  One sees a lot of yellows and oranges on the Rosenthal-Netter line.

The original paper Rosenthal-Netter black and white paper label carries the stock number 245/2.  

The piece is in excellent condition. Add it to your Rosenthal-Netter or Bitossi  collection.  This vase stands 7 inches tall and is 3 inches wide at the mouth. It is done in the Brutalist manner of the late 1950s-early 1970s. The surface of the terra cotta vase is covered with a chocolate base glaze over which a spattered layer of glazed was added to add texture over which the colors have been applied, with thick black lines outlining the colored sections. A bland band is at the bottom and the top Above the bottom black band there is a band of black diagonal lines. A very abstract bird with orange eye and tail circles the vase. The body of the bird is done in yellow with black lines separating the yellow sections.  The same horizontal aquamarine color band outlined in black can be seen in three different places on the vase.

The vase is in excellent condition.    The piece is signed simply in capital leters MADE IN ITALY with a sans serif font as opposed to the Toscany pieces with a serif font for the word Italy. 

This funky and retro Mid-century pottery was probably made in Italy by the Toscany Company, of Empoli Italy. Empoli is a town in Tuscany about 20 miles south of Florence. Empoli is also not far from Montelupo, a famous center of Italian pottery made for export to the United States.  The silver label seen on identical pieces seems to be restricted to the 1945-1970 time period.

Another possibility is that it is from the studio of Bruno Bagnoli, who worked for Bitossi at Montelupo. Perhaps lesser known here in the United States than Aldo Londi, he nonetheless is well represented in Italy. His work can be seen on pages 160-161 in the book titled Novecento Ceramiche Italiane, Volume 2, by Emanuele Gaudenzi.

Add it to your Midcentury Pottery collection today. This would look stunning on a McCobb, Parzinger or Eames piece.

Bagni Rosenthal-Netter Green Blue Spiral


Bitossi era signed wild Italian pottery $18.00


Rosenthal-Netter Bitossi chartreuse vase


Bitossi Bagnoli Brutalist wide Fish vase $75.00

This 9 inch tall bottle vase is very appealing and would work with many different color schemes as an accent piece.  The main glaze is white onto which horizontal bands of red, black, purple, orange are painted.  The inside of the vase is glazed in a deep luxurious cobalt blue glaze.  

The vase is stamped 8600 C and Handmade in Italy on the bottom.  The body is of red clay as were many of the Bagni or Londi Bitossi pieces.  This vase has a great retro mid century look to it.  Add it to your Midcentury decor today.

It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks or damage.  This elegant vase is typical of the work of Bitossi – or more precisely the artistic wing of Bitossi called Flavia - where Aldo Londi, was Art Director from 1946. Based in Montelupo, Tuscany, Bitossi exported pieces from Italy under both the Raymor and Rosenthal Netter labels.

This vase carries a rectangular paper Rosenthal-Netter label. The name Rosenthal-Netter is white on a black rectangle within the label which also states CREATED IN ITALY FOR.  There is also an impressed ITALY into the bottom of the glazed bottom vase, along with the numbers 69/3.  It is in excellent condition.

The pattern was created by creating small depressions in the body of the piece before firing, along with the sgrafitto technique of incising the lines forming the outlines of the paisely motifs.  The red clay base body is glazed in a harvest gold color with accent colors of pumpkin orange and avocado green. So Midcentury Modern! So Eames era! So fifites and sixites!!

Add it to your Italian Bitossi Flavia pottery collection today!  This is a striking Fratelli Fanciulacci Italy vase using the very popular sgrafitto technique popular in the 1950s.  This vase most likely was part of the Raymor line of imported Italian pottery and ceramics.

It stands 10 5/8 inches tall and is 4 1/4 inches wide at the base.  The heavy red base clay is glazed in a whitish tan glaze.  Using sgrafitto incising, the decorator created a large Egyptian figure carrying two pots.  There are also three cartouches on the back where the clay has been carved out and enamel dots have been added.  

The condition is very good considering this type of decoration is quite fragile.  There is a small flake at the rim that happened long ago.  I see no other damage. There are areas of the vase where the sgrafitti left some areas without the white underglaze but this is not damage.

The colors of the figure are yellow, orange, blue, red, green with a pink face, brown body and hair.  I have not seen many other Mid century Fratelli Fanciulacci pieces with this decoration.  The base also carries the initials VP.  It appears that the botte vase may have had a cork as there is still one inside the vase.

Add it to your Mid century Italian pottery collection today.  Raymor #2248 red black vase, Italy, 11 inches tall, made by Alvino Bagni for Bitossi.  I have seen the smaller 7 inch version of this vase with a black Raymor name and shape number on it as well as the incised ITALY on the bottom rim.

Excellent condition.

Italian Raymor era Egyptian bottle vase $30.00


Bitossi Rosenthal-Netter 8 inch Paisley $65.00


Bitossi mid century sgrafitto Egyptian v $65.00


Bitossi Bagni Raymor #2248 vase, Italy $175.00

This Bitossi Seta line 7 1/4 inch tall stunning Mid-Century vase was produced in Italy in the late 1950s due to the number 844 on the base and imported into this country. 

What is unusual about this vase is the amount of graffito decoration on it. Not only is it vertically incised with lines but there are bands of horizontal incising around the vase. Those horizontal bands are also painted black with gold X marks. 

The rest of the vase is painted in black, gray, orange and lavender in a repeated pattern around the piece. The rim and foot are gold highlighted. The inside of the vase is glazed in a deep purple color.

It is signed in black Italy 844. It is in excellent condition. It is for sale for $100 plus shipping. Add it to your Bitossi or Mid-Century pottery collection today.  the following information is courtesy of Guido Bitossi who shared it on October 18, 2013 in the Facebook group on Midcentury Italian Pottery & Bitossi.

This stunning vase is a product of the Bellini factory. The father started it in Lastra a Signa. When he passed, his son Arrigo and daughter Gioconda split the factory into two parts. Currently the grandaugher Sara is still involved in ceramics in a small factory. Arrigo Bellini worked and produced his ware in Montespertoli, about 10 minutes outside of Florence, Italy.

Signed Bellini, this vase is most likely from the 1960-1970 period and was made by Arrigo Bellini.  Three different metallic luster surfaces in a very geometric pattern form the decoration on this stunning vase.

It is in excellent condition. Add it to your Midcentury Italian pottery collection today  Raymor 8 inch l x 4 inch w Bitossi green/blue covered cigarette box, with original paper label and #2695, signed Italy 1583 in black ink. Excellent condition.   

Bitossi Seta midcentury Italian vase $60.00


Bellini signed 12 inch 3 luster baluster $150.00


Raymor Bitossi 8 inch cigarette box $90.00


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