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The Collectors Newsletter #361 September 2005

The Collectors Newsletter #361 September 2005

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work, type "remove" in the subject line and send this ENTIRE
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-- Read PAST issues of this newsletter. They are available online at:

1. "One More BB Gun Story" and "Vinyl"
2. Today's Headlines from News-Antique.com
3. Your Classifieds
4. Increase the value of your collection. (Sponsors message)
5. Lost and Found
6. News from the Kovels
7. Newly listed items
8. Funny Old Stuff
9. Wanted ads. Can you help?
10. A Vintage Recipe
11. A Vintage Recipe Request from a Reader
12. New Online Merchants
13. Helpful Resources For Collectors

Introducing buySAFE® on TIAS

TIAS and buySAFE are pleased to bring you the buySAFE on TIAS
program -- a safer way to shop online. When you buy from a
Bonded Seller on TIAS, you're protected before and after your purchase.

The buySAFE Seal in a TIAS listing indicates the purchase is guaranteed
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service is FREE for buyers. For More info: http://www.tias.com/buysafe/

1) After you read these stories, tell us your interesting story. Send your
story to newsletter@tias.com and we may publish it here . We want to
hear any interesting or unusual stories you would like to share with us
that are related to collecting or anything vintage.
One more BB gun story
After reading the story about the BB gun, I felt I had to share my story.
When I was in grammar school, many years ago, my brother shot and
killed a beautiful bird with his BB gun. I was in tears and he was elated.
When my mother came home from work, she made my brother clean,
cook and eat the bird. My brother never shot another animal from that
day forward. In fact, he never shot another gun again! Marsha

- Another Story -

The first ten minutes of the first-year ballet class went as planned; ten
eight-year-olds, very prim in their tidy pony tails, braids, and new
leotards, listened to the description of tendus, which always follow plies
in waltz time, until I said, "tendus are done in four-four time." Then, a
polite interruption from Mary Ann, (there is always a Mary Ann,) saying
" Please Mr. Russell. where is the music coming from, please?"
"From the record player, of course. Some studios have a pianist who
knows all the class music." This was not a good enough answer for her.
"Can I see it, please?" Decorum disintegrated. To save face and keep
the peace, I told the class they could look at it, but if they touched the
player, they might end up with broken arms. The word around the school
was: "he doesn't tell lies, but he exaggerates a lot."

The player rested on a shoulder-high desk mainly to make finding the
grooves on the 12 inch vinyl easy in the dim light and to keep these
same fingers out of reach. (Oh sure!) I carefully moved the turntable to
a lower shelf so everyone could see. Not a finger in sight. I put the
tonearm onto the first groove, the plie music, and I got the feeling that
magic was in the air -- most heads bent to the record, then to the
speakers -- not a sound from a totally entranced barre of dancers.
"I bought these records in 1954 for my first ballet classes. and I took
very good care of them for fifty years. So, don't touch." Instantly
shame overtook me. Nobody needed that "don't touch" stuff. Mary Ann
saved the day with "They are older than you are! May I try that?" I
think I saved my life with " Yes you can. Let me show you." One shot
of instruction, one try with the record stopped, and she put the needle
exactly in the groove and we heard the plie music once more. Then
when asked to put it in the second groove, she gently lifted the arm,
placed it exactly, and we were hearing the tendu music, when I had the
nerve to say "Lets get to the barre." Not one step toward the barre,
naturally. Mary Ann again, with longing in her voice, -- "I wish we
had one like that, you can put it anyplace you want. You can't do that
with those silly little shiny things we have at home, you can't even see
it!" Cheers from the crowd. We went to the barre and finished our
work. Before the class was dismissed, they had conned me into
teaching all how to use this lovely invention. Comes in handy
sometimes, especially on visiting day. Some parents don't know how
to run a turntable! Vinyl Forever!
I could hardly tell the class that the records are 27 years younger
than I am, now could I?
Comments, thoughts? Post them online at:
We collect interesting stories about collecting. Things like your best find,
unusual collections, bizarre collectibles. Anything and everything that is
interesting that has to do with collecting. We may publish it here. Send
your story to newsletter@tias.com

2) The Latest Antique News
Get the latest news about antiques and collectibles delivered once a week
to your email inbox. Sign up at: http://www.news-antique.com

Today's Antiques & Collectibles Headlines from http://News-Antique.com

- Yellow Ware Collecting Part 3 - http://tinyurl.com/cqt4f

- Auctionbytes Launches Online TV - http://tinyurl.com/7h54l

- Lace Collection From Pallinsburn - http://tinyurl.com/8gwcz

- Learn To Sell On eBay - http://tinyurl.com/djouw

- "Birds of America" Offered at Christie's - http://tinyurl.com/8xzp3

- Antique Items Stolen in 1975 Returned - http://tinyurl.com/7mkmf

- North Dallas Estate Sale - http://tinyurl.com/cpd7t

- New Guide To Jewelry Boxes - http://tinyurl.com/al6a7

Put the latest DAILY news about antiques and collectibles on your Web site.
It's easy to do. Go to http://javafeed.news-antique.com/ to get the code.

3) Your Classifieds...
Do you have antiques or collectibles you are just itching to sell? A simple
classified ad in this newsletter might just be your answer. Over 200,000
readers subscribe to this newsletter. One of them just might be able
to help you out. Place your ad today at: http://www.tias.com/classifieds

Victoria James Designs sells Designer Vintage Jewelry!

Vintage Paper-Postcards-Photos-Prints-Ephemera-1800's

Want to know what our advertisers think? Check out the testimonials at:

4) Increase the value of your collection. (Sponsors message)
In many cases you can actually increase the value of your collection, by
keeping accurate records on the history of each piece. Accurate records
can help contribute to the overall value of your collection. There are many
ways to do this. The easiest is to get yourself some collection management
software from Collectify. Collectify is the only collection management software
recommended by Sotheby's to their clients. It works with EVERY type of
antique or collectible.

Order a free 30 day trial version of Collectify or you can even download
it from the Web. If you decide to keep it, as a newsletter reader you can
get a huge discount off the regular retail price. For more info, take a look at:

5) Lost and Found
We have a new email address for lost and found comments and requests!
Send them to -- LostAndFound@tias.com

We accept two types of Lost and found submissions for publication in this

1. You have a vintage item in hand and you are trying to find relatives of
the original owner(s). This could be an old photo album, baby book, diploma,
Family Bible, or other vintage items that can be linked to a specific person
or family.

2. You are looking for a fairly common vintage item that has deep personal
meaning for you or someone you know. I'm sorry, but we do not post
requests for "one of a kind items" that have been lost or stolen.

Remember to include as many details about the item(s) as you can. For
your story to run in this section, you must include your email address and
allow us to publish it. If this service helps you eventually track down the
relatives or find an item, please tell us about it in a follow-up story.
My uncle was a fairly well known hat designer in Jacksonville, Fl. and also in
New York I believe in the 50's and 60's. His name was Archie Eason. He
designed hats for some very important hats in his hey-day. I believe he even
did the head dresses for the Miss America Pageant long, long ago. His logo
was a black sequin with a little green bead. I would love to have some of his
hats, if anyone has some please contact me. shedearobs@mpinet.net
Thanks Sherry Robinson

Sherry! If you get a reply, please let us know so that we can share it with
everyone. Send us an email at lostandfound@tias.com
How about you? Do you have some special vintage item that is in need of
its owner or are you looking for a special item or person? Maybe we can
help. Send us info at LostAndFound@tias.com

Antiques and collectibles experts Ralph and Terry Kovel offer this tip in
care for antique and collectible glass is to wash it by hand with dish washing
liquid. Dishwasher detergent is too abrasive for many kinds of glassware
and may make it appear foggy.

For more information on the Kovels' newsletter,
click http://www.tias.com/stores/kovel/specialnews.html

7) Newly listed items for your online shopping pleasure for Friday
September 23, 2005 Stop by and check out today's fresh inventory at:
TIAS - http://www.tias.com/showcase
CollectorOnline - http://cgi.tias.com/showcase/?groupKey=7
AntiqueArts - http://cgi.tias.com/showcase/?groupKey=3
Earthling - http://cgi.tias.com/showcase/?groupKey=6

8) Funny Old Stuff
This is our humor section. These are humorous stories and comments that
are sent in by readers. If you have a submission you would like to share,
please send it to newsletter@tias.com and we may run it in the next issue.
Having a food fight with the frosting reminded me of my younger brother's
experiment with peanut butter cookies.

One day when both parents were away (a babysitter may have been in the
house) my then eight-year-old brother decided he was going to make
peanut butter cookies on his own. No one knows quite what happened to
the recipe. When the first pan came out of the oven, he passed them
around to be sampled by his five siblings. They were TERRIBLE! We tried
feeding them to the dog, but even he refused to eat them.

My brother was left with the big bowl of peanut butter cookie batter. When
one of my older brothers continued to insult his efforts, he resorted to
grabbing a handful of the batter and letting fly. Soon we were all into the
fray, and the batter was flying all over the kitchen.

When my mother came home we were immediately made to clean up.
However, the batter seemed to have made an indelible impression on the
paint! When we moved from the house a year later, there were still faint
brown marks on the ceiling.

I recently caught that house on HGTV's House Hunters, but they did not
mention stained ceilings in the kitchen. Someone must have eventually
repainted. Since then, I have never cared for peanut butter cookies.
Do you have a funny story or joke you would like to share? Make someone
feel good by sharing it with us. Send it to newsletter@tias.com and we may
publish it here.

9) Wanted ads. Can you help?
Here are the latest wanted ads from the TIAS Exchange. Can
you help someone out? To place an ad of your own take a look at:

WANTED: Want Round Milk Bottle (s) from all 50 States


WANTED: STOLEN Goodrich Silvertowns sign


Looking for something? Place a "Wanted" ad in this newsletter. Over
200,000 subscribers. It's easy, go to: http://www.tiasExchange.com

10) A Vintage Recipe
We did not get any reply to last weeks recipe request, so here is
a recipe for Snickerdoodles
If you have a variation of this recipe that you would like to share with
our readers, please post it to:
Be sure to also check out this weeks recipe request, below.

1 cup margarine
1 cup Crisco
3 cups sugar
4 eggs
5 1/2 cups flour
4 tsp. cream of tartar
2 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
4 T. sugar
4 tsp. cinnamon

Preparation -
Cream together margerine, crisco, sugar and eggs. In a separate
bowl combine all dry ingredients to form a soft cookie dough.
Combine all ingredients. Set aside.

In a small bowl comine 4 T. sugar 4 tsp. cinnamon. Set aside.

Form cookie dough into 1" to 1 1/2" inch round balls. Roll each in
cinnamon -sugar mixture. Place about 3 inches apart on an
ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 400º for 8 to 10 minutes.
Did you know TIAS merchants have over 1000 vintage
cookbooks for sale online? They make great gifts. Take a
look at: http://www.tias.com/cookbooks

11) A vintage recipe request from a reader
As with collectibles, people also have very strong feelings about foods
from their past. Sometimes these special recipes get lost. This section
is to help people who are looking for lost recipes from their past. If you
submit a request, please include the geographical region where
you had this recipe.
My boss raves about his mothers peach pie and how he wishes he had
that recipe. And how he has never had one like it since his mother has
passed away. He tells me it was a peach pie with thick brown sugar
syrup. It was a single pie shell(with no top crust). He was raised in Mingo
Junction, Ohio. I would love to make this for my friend and boss.
Thank you and God Bless. Nancy
If you can help this reader with this recipe, please forward it to
recipes@tias.com . If you have a vintage recipe request send it to
recipes@tias.com and we might just publish it here.
Be sure to check out our vintage kitchen collectibles section online at:

12) New Online Merchants
These merchants just opened shop online. Stop by and check out their
fresh inventory.

Little of This Little of That
Our shop will feature elegant glassware,Tiffin,Fostoria, Westmoreland,
Lenox and depression glass. Several different kinds of china, Lefton,
McCoy and Weller. Will be adding some estate costume jewelry. We
have a 7 day money back guarantee, no question ask.
This year, open your own online Antique & Collectible Shop.
If you have one or a few items to sell, try our classifieds at
http://www.tiasexchange.com. If you have more than a few items to sell,
open your own store at TIAS. It's easy and fun. Over 200,000 customers
visit us on an average day. It costs you nothing to get started. Take a
look at: http://www.makeashop.com

13) Helpful Resources:
1. What's it worth? Try Kovels' free online price guide to over 300,000
antiques and collectibles. It can be found online at http://www.kovels.com

2. Looking for an expert to help you with repairs, or an appraisal?
Or just some help finding an auction house or a collectors club? Try this
free service at http://www.tias.com/stores/kovelsyellow/

3. Looking for prices for antiques and collectibles?
PriceMiner.com has millions of them. Most items listed include color photos
as well. Sign up today at: http://tinyurl.com/c6oqc
(Not affiliated with Kovels.com)

4. Get an online appraisal
For just $9.95 from "What's It Worth To You?"
http://www.whatsitworthtoyou.com/tias.htm (Not affiliated with Kovels.com)

5. The Latest News regarding Antiques & Collectibles
Take a look at http://www.news-antique.com

Thanks for reading. Feel free to forward this to a friend. To subscribe to this
newsletter go to: http://www.tias.com/subscribe Please note that stories and
recipes from readers are not checked for accuracy. They may be edited
prior to publication. For questions or comments, you can reach us at
newsletter@TIAS.com ©1995-2005 TIAS.com Inc.

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