Copperton Lane Antiques & Collectibles

Circa: 1978
Country of Origin: KR
Manufacturer: Mid Century Korean Export
This vintage straight-sided copper covered stock pot holds 4 quarts to the rim, effectively 3-1/2 quarts capacity with boiling and stirring room. It's 6 inches high to the rim by 7-1/2" diameter and has two brass handles to match the lid handle. It's probably from the 1970s or 1980s, not as light weight as much of the copper cookware that was made afterward, but not professional cookware quality either. The stainless lining is worn around the bottom edges, so you won't want to cook anything acidic in the pot unless you have it relined. There's a shallow ding at the bottom (lower left side in next-to-last photo), and some minor scuff and rub marks from use and storage. The pot is unmarked, likely made in Portugal or Korea.

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