Joe's Paper Shack

The New Yorker magazine - Sept. 6 , 1947
80 complete pages. Cover by P. Barlow - Ads: Steubenglass - Packard super 8 - Kaiser frazer - Koret-arty by Bobri - Coke highway travel - Miss Rheingold, Michaele Fallon

This wonderful issue is loaded with great articles, and vintage advertising. Some of the ad's and artists are listed above.

Perry Barlow was born February 22, 1892 in Prosper, Collin Co Texas, and died December 26, 1977 in Westport, Farifield Co Connecticut

He married Dorothy Hope Smith in 1922, Chicago, Cook Co Illinois. She was born c1895 in Washington, and died December 16, 1955 in Westport, Fairfield Co Connecticut.

Perry was a cartoonist, and among his work, he created many magazine covers for the New Yorker Magazine, and Dorothy Hope Smith was the creator of the Gerber and Ivory Soap Babies.

Perry Barlow who contributed thousands of warm, realistic cartoons to The New Yorker for more than 30 years after the magazine's founding in 1925, died Monday at his home in Westport, Conn. He was 85 years old.
Children were a favorite subject of Mr. Barlow's work, and the artist may be best remembered for a cartoon about forty years ago in which Santa Claus played an amusing part. The drawing showed a child on Christmas Eve staring in astonishment as its mother is kissed by the gift-bearer.

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